Monday, February 15, 2010

The Highs and Lows of Living in a Hipster Commune

I am really starting to like where I live. It took a little while to get used to the environment, but this bougie girl is getting used to living like a starving artist.

I got home from a lukewarm date (and if you're familiar with your Bible, you'll know how Jesus feels about lukewarm stuff), and heard a party going on down that hallway. It wasn't so loud I couldn't go to sleep, but I wasn't ready to go to sleep and I wanted to get the bad taste of a lukewarm date out of my mouth. My roommate told me to crash it.

The High

So I crash the party with a mug full of Jack. I've been watching too much of the Pick-Up Artist and I decide I should quickly approach a "set" because I look like a weirdo hanging out against the wall. The first set of boys not that interested in talking to me. The second set had a guy who was all into me, but he was just into anything not a boy. Then I started chatting to a cool girl and the party started. I talked to everyone, made friends with the DJ, a boy wrote his name on my arm...

And then this hottie started talking to me, the usual happened, he liked my hair and thought my conservative viewpoints were interesting and different. I got some very warm and lovely kisses, so I brought him home and dumped him on the couch.

The Low

Around 8 in the morning, a boy crawls into bed with me. I don't really mind. It's almost time to get up and I can always kick him out if he gets annoying. He does start to get annoying, so I tell him he has to go home. Only he doesn't have blond hair like hottie did. Also, he's ugly. I wasn't sober the night before, but I was pretty sure I've never kissed an ugly man before. I was very confused until I realized that the hottie was still asleep on the couch.

Okay, so maybe I had too much Jack and was distracted by hottie. I forgot to lock the door. I guess living in some alternative universe means there will be nights you meet random cute 22 years old, but wake up the next day with ugly ducklings in your bed.

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